This week’s #InstaWeanTeam Olive Challenge comes to you 70s
style. I’ve never tried vol-au-vents before so fancied giving them a go and
they were surprisingly easy to make. These were
perfect for both Little Dude and my vegetarian friend who joined us for a BBQ
(the carnivores also had homemade paprika burgers, swoon!).
I used shop bought pastry which has a little salt in it but making my own would've been way too time consuming. This recipe made 4 vol-au-vonts plus a bunch of different size rectangular 'slices' for our guests.
1 Sheet Puff Pastry
5 Black Olives, Sliced
3 Vine Tomatoes
1/2 Courgette
1/2 Red Onion
1 Yellow Pepper
1/2 Tsp Mixed Herbs
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Beaten Egg
1. Lay out the pastry and use a cookie cutter to make an even number of pastry circles.
2. Take half of the circles and use a smaller cutter to remove the middle, leaving a pastry ring.
3. Brush the edge of the pastry circles with beaten egg, lay the pastry rings on top. Brush the top again with beaten egg.
4. Put them pastry in the oven on a lightly floured baking tray, cook for 25-30 mins on Gas 7 until golden and risen (check them regularly!). Once cooked, set them aside to cool. If the inside has risen, carefully pull it out leaving a pastry case with a hole in the middle.
5. Chop the vegetables into small chunks then lay out on a baking tray. Sprinkle herbs on top and drizzle with a little olive oil.
6. Cook the veggies (except the olives) at Gas Mark 5 for around 30 mins.
7. Chop the olives and add to the cooked veggies, mix well.
8. Carefully spoon the cooked veg into the pastry cases.
These can be eaten cold or blasted until the grill to heat them up just before serving. Delish!