Thursday, 11 June 2015

RECIPE - Banana, Coconut and Raisin Bread

The banana and berry muffins I made last week were such a big hit that I decided to try a variation on the recipe. Instead of using muffin cases I made this one in a loaf tin so I could slice it into fingers - perfect for Little Dude's lunchbox! The basic banana bread recipe is from the Baby Led Weaning Cookbook. I halved the ingredients, substituted half of the butter for coconut oil, and added some bits and bobs :)

75g self raising flour
15g unsalted butter

15g raw, organic coconut oil
1 small handful of raisins
1 handful of dessicated coconut
2 large ripe bananas
1 egg

1. Lightly grease the loaf tin with coconut oil
2. Sift the flour into the bowl
3. Melt the butter and coconut oil (I did mine in the microwave)
4. Mash the bananas in a separate bowl, add the melted butter and egg
5. Add the banana mixture to the flour, mix well then stir the raisins and coconut
6. Spoon into the loaf tin
7. Bake at Gas 5 for 20-25 minutes until cooked through.

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